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    Marca: Freiberger

    Drum sextante Freiberger - full view mirror

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    COD: 832.10855061826

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    O instrumento tradicional para encontrar a posição celestial no mar.
    O peso e o tamanho são confortáveis com estrutura em liga de metal leve bem balanceado.
    Espelhos grandes do horizonte e do índice que são testados para o nivelamento e o paralelismo ópticos. 
    Pega de madeira, espelho completo, cor azul.

    There are two types of horizon mirrors to determine celestial altitudes:

    - Half-view mirror and
    - Full-view mirror.

    There is only one half silvered of the half-view mirror. Two images appear in the telescope. The whole mirror of the full-view mirror is silvered. The image is not divided and heavenly body and horizon line are in one image.
    When determining sunsets, it is necessary to apply glass shades for sun protection.



    O instrumento tradicional para encontrar a posição celestial no mar.
    O peso e o tamanho são confortáveis com estrutura em liga de metal leve bem balanceado.
    Espelhos grandes do horizonte e do índice que são testados para o nivelamento e o paralelismo ópticos. 
    Pega de madeira, espelho completo, cor azul.

    There are two types of horizon mirrors to determine celestial altitudes:

    - Half-view mirror and
    - Full-view mirror.

    There is only one half silvered of the half-view mirror. Two images appear in the telescope. The whole mirror of the full-view mirror is silvered. The image is not divided and heavenly body and horizon line are in one image.
    When determining sunsets, it is necessary to apply glass shades for sun protection.




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